Junior Fullstack Developer

Problem solving is at the core of my work ethic.

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Problem Solving Over a Coffee.


Hello and welcome! I am a dedicated junior fullstack developer with a fervor for problem-solving and software engineering. My expertise lies in crafting modern, user-friendly applications designed to streamline processes and enhance user experiences. My approach is rooted in a desire to tackle complex challenges and devise innovative solutions that have a meaningful impact on people's lives. I am committed to developing software that is both robust in functionality and intuitive in its user experience.
From a young age, my curiosity and passion for technology have been the driving forces in my life. My journey into coding began in childhood, sparked by a fascination with how computers work. I was captivated by the idea of becoming a programmer, and this dream only grew stronger as I delved deeper into the world of technology. At the age of 10, I took my first steps in programming, fueled by an interest in video games. I was not only passionate about playing games but also intrigued by the intricate mechanics behind them.
As I matured, my focus shifted from gaming to a broader understanding of computer systems. I immersed myself in learning about the interplay between hardware and software, recognizing the vast potential that lies within the digital realm. This comprehensive understanding has been instrumental in shaping my approach to software development.
In addition to my development skills, I have a keen interest in ethical hacking and cybersecurity. This interest stems from a commitment to creating secure and reliable software solutions. By understanding the intricacies of cybersecurity, I aim to build applications that are not only innovative but also resilient against potential threats.
Whether I am developing a new application or exploring the latest advancements in technology, my goal remains the same: to create solutions that are both impactful and accessible. I believe that great software can transform lives, and I am dedicated to making that transformation a reality.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio. I look forward to the possibility of working together to bring your ideas to life.

Software Engineering

Projects focused around software engineering and development.

Cloud Image.


Telegram Based Client-controlled Cloud Storage

Telecloud revolutionizes Telegram by turning it into a personal cloud storage platform, offering serverless file upload and download capabilities. Completely under your control and self-hostable, this bot ensures secure file management, making it a reliable and private solution for your digital storage needs.


Scrape All Public Pastebin Uploads & Store Them

ScrapeBin is a tool designed to automatically scrape and optionally export public pastes from Pastebin.com. With a single click, users can efficiently collect data from thousands of public submissions made daily on the popular platform, streamlining data acquisition and analysis.

Download image.
Dashboard Image.


Web based system resource monitor dashboard.

SysV is a system resource monitor dashboard website that provides real-time insights into computer system performance. Users can easily track CPU, memory, and disk usage, helping them optimize their systems and prevent issues before they arise. SysV offers a user-friendly interface for seamless monitoring..

Bitcoin Wallet

Fully Functional Self-hosted Bitcoin Wallet

This Bitcoin wallet web app supports sending and receiving transactions through a clean, minimalistic user interface. Designed for simplicity and ease of use, it allows users to manage their cryptocurrency efficiently, making it an essential part of any digital currency portfolio.

Wallet Image.

Tech Stack

UX/UI Design

Showcasing my modern and adaptive design skills.

Wallet Image.

Apple Clone

Apple Site Replica: Showcasing CSS and Structuring Skills

Explore my meticulously crafted Apple website clone, where I honed advanced CSS modeling and page structuring techniques. This project demonstrates my ability to recreate sophisticated designs with precision, enhancing my web development skills and attention to detail.

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